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We offer the safest method of hair extensions on the market - Wefted hair extensions. With 3 different ways of installing, and 4 different types of wefts, we are able to fully customize your extensions to perfectly suit you and your lifestyle. Prices range between $45 - $100 a row depending on method of installation.

Beaded Flat Weft/ Invisibead/ Braidless Weave


Our 10A Luxury extensions boast 1-2 years of full time wear. We have options that include hair, installation, first maintenance appointment, full size shampoo & conditioner for first time users, and we offer a la carte pricing if you are familiar with extensions already. 

Lengths 14" 18" and 22" we *usually* have in stock. We can custom order between 14" - 24" in many colours, textures, and always top quality. 1-4 weeks for custom orders depending on shipping. Prices per 100g range from $300 - $750 depending on weft, length, colour, and texture.

Flat Wefts/ Hand Tied Wefts/ Genius Wefts/ Machine Weft

Consultations are complimentary, and necessary before installing full time extensions. Chat about your options with no strings attached.


Bond building Olaplex, K-18 Protein, CBD for scalp, moisture, shine, and colour enhancing treatments. $15 - $75

hair cutting / design / styling


Professional Haircuts designed to suit your individual style. Our Hair Stylists will work with you to create the perfect look. We're familiar with everything from micro trims- fashion mullets and everything in between. All cuts include shampoo and blow dry. $50 - $100

colour & lightening

Our stylists are knowledgable in a wide range of corrective, fashion, and subtlety colours. We pride ourselves on being on top of the latest trends and techniques to help you achieve your goals. From grey blending, balayage, bleach outs, colour corrections, we have you covered.

Permanent, demi, or semi permanent colours available.

We use Redken, Schwarzkopf, Oligopro, Evo, Pulp Riot. 


For most big transformative colours and creative colouring, we charge for product + labour/hour. We use an app called salon scale that tracks our usage to the penny, and the hourly rate depends on the experience & expertise of the stylist, what your goal is and the process in which we get there. This is designed with you in mind, so that we have the creative freedom to do whatever necessary to get you closest to your goal in the time booked. 

For standard services such as retouches, glosses, haircuts, solid tint back colours, we charge a base price, and that can increase if you add on any extras, or have a lot - a lot of hair. The base price is dependant on the experience and expertise of the stylist.

Hair extensions Weaves

1. Konsultasies vir uitbreidings is komplimentêr, maar met bespreking aanvaar ons 'n 50% deposito vir die uitbreidingspakket wat deur u uitbreidingsverskaffer besluit is.  


2. Ons kansellasiebeleid is 48 uur. Indien 'n afspraak binne 48 uur gekanselleer word, verbeur jy  50% van jou deposito. Dit is omdat ons nie genoeg tyd het om 'n afspraaktyd suksesvol te voltooi gedurende hierdie venster nie.  


3. Indien 'n afspraak gemis word, verbeur jy jou hele deposito. Jy sal ook nie in die toekoms herbespreek word sonder volle betaling ten tyde van bespreking nie.  


4. As daar 'n probleem binne 14 dae met die uitbreidings is, sal ons dit gratis regmaak! Enigiets verder as dit kon weens 'n aantal faktore buite die installasie gewees het.  


5. Kleurkorreksies, en alle inkleurdienste is nie terugbetaalbaar nie. Konsultasies voor die diens word gedoen om te verseker dat die kliënt en die diensverskaffer op dieselfde bladsy is. 'n Plan word dan gemaak om die doelwit te bereik. Soms behels dit 2 + afsprake om sekere kleure te bereik! Daar is 'n vertroue wat nodig is tussen die kliënt en die stilis. As 'n kliënt moet jy vertrou dat jou geselekteerde en gelisensieerde verskaffer doen wat hy/sy moet doen om: in die eerste plek die integriteit van jou hare te behou, en jou so na as moontlik aan jou doelwit te kry, terwyl jy jou van voorstelle voorsien as hulle dink iets kan jou dalk beter pas. 



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